What is EasyXT

Not a classical XTension for Imaris, EasyXT aims to make communication between Imaris and Matlab more Matlab-like, that is trying to hide all those strange calls that are more reminiscent of a Java application and not an Matlab Script.

Instead of having very strict calls to Imaris methods, we offer a Name, Value pair approach to all optional input parameters.

We currently implement functions for the following:

Getting Started

All EasyXT needs is the path to the Imaris Application (Usually something like C:\Program Files\Bitplane\Imaris x64 7.6.5\Imaris.exe). This is so that EasyXT can find the ImarisLib.jar file.

To do this, you can run

XT = EasyXT('setup');

This will prompt the user to provide the location of Imaris.exe and will store this information in a text file called config.txt

Alternative setup

If you have EasyXT.m on the same folder as Imarislib.jar this setup is not necessary.

List of Functions

The simplest thing is for you to call

doc EasyXT

To see all the methods that are available to you. We strive to give you as complete information as possible.


We have set up the following GISTS to help you get started

Authors and Contributors

This XTension was created by Olivier Burri (@lacan) and Romain Guiet (@romainGuiet) at the BioImaging & Optics Platform (BIOP). If anyone else is interested in contributing, please do not hesitate to let us know.