Aligning Big Brains & Atlases


Documentation of the Aligning Big Brains & Atlases Fiji plugin.

View the Project on GitHub BIOP/ijp-imagetoatlas

Defining a QuPath project compatible with ABBA

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:warning: Do not modify the images present in the project once it has been opened and used in ABBA. ABBA has not been tested if the number of images present in the QuPath project are changed.

Dataset pre-requisites

ABBA is designed to work on a set of slices belonging to a single animal. If multiple animals need to be aligned, then each animal should be aligned independently. It’s not a strict restriction and you can combine images coming from different animals in a single dataset. However, you won’t have full flexibility for the registration. Namely, you will not be able to set different cutting angles for different animals.

Now, let’s discuss a bit what sort of images can be used. ABBA can:

Working with a QuPath project is the preferred way to work with ABBA, because it facilitates a lot downstream processing.

Define a dataset of brain sections in QuPath

As in the recommended workflow, you first need to create a QuPath project that contains all the brain slices that you want to register - usually from one animal.

You can check the full documentation of QuPath.

For a quick setup with a demo dataset:

Note: you can also work with OMERO images, as long as they are loaded through the OMERO-RAW QuPath extension.

creating a project with slices in QuPath

:warning: All files need to be properly calibrated (microns, millimeters, etc, but not pixels!). Check on the Image tab of QuPath that you have a proper physical unit specified for your images, and not pixels! If that’s not the case, you should specify the correct pixel size NOW! (= BEFORE importing the project into Fiji’s ABBA plugin). Otherwise, the images will look gigantic because 1 pixel is assumed to be 1 millimeter…

Also please make sure to read the message about pyramidal file formats requirements.

image calibration in QuPath

You are done for now on the QuPath side. You can let QuPath open while performing the rest of the workflow.

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