Aligning Big Brains & Atlases


Documentation of the Aligning Big Brains & Atlases Fiji plugin.

View the Project on GitHub BIOP/ijp-imagetoatlas

Installation overview

ABBA consists of:

The QuPath extension, and in general, the use of QuPath is optional in ABBA but strongly encouraged.

:warning: NEW (Jan 2024) ! If you are using Windows, a standalone installer is available.

Installing QuPath and its ABBA extension

  1. Install QuPath
  2. Download QuPath’s ABBA extension zip file (named
  3. Unzip it
  4. Drag and drop the jar files it contains into QuPath’s main graphical user interface

Optional: if you want to work on data coming from an OMERO database, install the QuPath OMERO RAW extension. Please check its readme for installation instructions.

  1. Restart QuPath: in Extensions>Managed extensions you should see the following extensions installed:
    • ABBA
    • Image Combiner Warpy
    • Warpy

Fiji’s ABBA plugin installation methods

ABBA is a Fiji plugin that can be installed easily, however, a bare ABBA plugin will lack key features. In particular ABBA is supposed to interact with these components:

There are 3 main ways to install ABBA, that correspond to different parts of the documentation:

Here’s a summary of the supported functionality depending on how ABBA is installed and on the OS:

  Headless GUI Mouse and Rat atlases Brainglobe Atlases DeepSlice (Local)
Opt 1. ABBA installer (Win only) [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Opt 2. Fiji + PTBIOP update site (Win, Mac, Linux) [x] [x] [x]    
Opt 2. Fiji + PTBIOP update site + DeepSlice conda env (Win, Mac, Linux) [x] [x] [x]   [x]
Opt 3. abba_python (Win, Linux) [x] [x] [x] [x]  
Opt 3. abba_python + DeepSlice conda env (Win, Linux) [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Opt 3. abba_python (Mac) [x]   [x] [x]  
Opt 3. abba_python + DeepSlice conda env (Mac) [x]   [x] [x] [x]

Option 1 - Installing ABBA plugin with an installer (Windows only)

This possibility is the easiest one. It is available only if you are working with windows:

Be aware that you need an internet connection if you run the installer because at some point in the process some dependencies have to be downloaded from PyPI. Also, the first time you run ABBA, you will have to download the atlas you’d like to use from internet.

Option 2 - Installing ABBA plugin in Fiji

1. Download and install Fiji

If you do not have Fiji already, download it and install it at

2. Activate the PTBIOP update site

3. If you use OMERO, activate the OMERO 5.5-5.6 update site

4. Install elastix/transformix

For automated 2D in-plane registration, ABBA uses the elastix software, which is independent of Fiji. To use it, elastix should be installed, and its executable location (elastix and transformix) should be specified in Fiji.


For windows users, you also need to install Visual C++ redistributable, (choose vc_redist.x64.exe for a 64-bit system).


Fiji will be calling the elastix executables, which are recognized as ‘unknown developers’ by Mac OS. Thus you need to make security exceptions for both elastix and transformix to avoid clicking indefinitely on the OS warning messages.


Nothing particular should be required for linux system.

Indicate elastix and transformix executable location in Fiji:

Setting elastix and transformix path in Fiji

This message should show up in the ImageJ console (and maybe errors for Cellpose, but that’s not important):

Once elastix is installed, you can run the following script in Fiji to test elastix functionality. Save the linked file with a .groovy extension, open it in Fiji, and run it.

5. Installing DeepSlice locally (optional)

It is always possible to use the web interface of DeepSlice, without any further installation. However, it is convenient to have it installed locally since it will require less user manipulation and enable the registration procedure to be fully automated.

To install DeepSlice locally, please follow the instructions specified in the BIOP wrappers repository. In brief, the installation consists of:

Option 3 - Installing ABBA plugin in python

ABBA is available as a PyPI dependency. If you want to use this dependency, please check the installation instruction and startup command in the readme of abba_python.

Alternative installation - bash scripts

The procedure described in this section installs:

However, it does not install DeepSlice, nor will you be able to use BrainGlobe atlases. The procedure works for all OSes with minor variations explained below.



You will need to know your admin password.

:warning: If, for some reason, you want to keep your previous version of QuPath intact, save it to a different name before starting the script.

If you get this issue:

shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: Operation not permitted
/bin/bash: ./ Operation not permitted,

Then follow the operation explained in and restart the script.


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