Aligning Big Brains & Atlases


Documentation of the Aligning Big Brains & Atlases Fiji plugin.

View the Project on GitHub BIOP/ijp-imagetoatlas

Using DeepSlice in ABBA

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DeepSlice is a deep learning based tool for automatic alignment of whole mouse or rat brain histological sections. It is developed in the McMullan lab group by Harry Carey at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. It was designed to work primarily with QuickNII.

A preprint is available, the tool is accessible via a web interface or via PyPI, and its source code is on github.

It can work with the Allen mouse brain atlas and the Rat Waxholm atlas, in coronal orientation.

Using DeepSlice within ABBA thus gives very fast results and automates many initial steps of the alignment:

After DeepSlice, ABBA can be used to further refine the alignment, for instance by applying an in-plane non-linear step with BigWarp or Elastix.

:warning: make sure that all the slices belong to the same animal

:warning: Set the slices display settings to avoid oversaturated pixels!

DeepSlice works with 8-bits RGB images. ABBA always rescales intensities according to the user display settings. Please make sure that the display settings are not completely off, resulting in an oversaturated image, or in an almost fully black image. When more features are visible, the registration quality will improve.

Using DeepSlice web interface in ABBA

You get the following window:

ABBA DeepSlice options

After pressing ok, you get this window:

DeepSlice step 0

After clicking it, a web page will open in your browser with the DeepSlice interface:

DeepSlice web interface

You can drag and drop the content of your dataset folder into this page, and then submit the task.

:warning: Checking Slower but more accurate results is advised because DeepSlice is very fast anyway. If your slices are regularly evenly spaced, you can click Use section numbers. Check Normalise section angles because ABBA forces this normalization anyway afterwards (only one cutting angle allowed).

When the registration is done, you can download the result json file.

Put back the json file in the result folder.

Then click ok in the small DeepSlice result window. You will see, if you selected the option, a window stating that slicing angles have been adjusted. After pressing ok again, the slices will be moved and transformed to their new position.


Before deepslice


After deepslice

You can adjust then, review, regularly space the slices position and perform non linear registrations with the rest of ABBA functionalities.

Using DeepSlice local installation in ABBA

If you managed to install a Conda env containing DeepSlice locally as explained in this readme, you can run DeepSlice directly in ABBA and fully automate the registration process.

You can check whether DeepSlice is functional by running DeepSlice > DeepSlice setup...:

ABBA DeepSlice setup

and select the proper folder containing the conda environment for DeepSlice (if you used the ABBA installer for windows, do not touch it, it should already set correctly).

After clicking OK, your console window should display the ouput of the help command of the command line interface of DeepSlice:

ABBA DeepSlice options

Then, to run DeepSlice locally, select the slices you want to register and run Align > ABBA - DeepSlice registration (local). This window will pop-up:

ABBA DeepSlice options

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