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actionApplyDisplay - Variable in class qupath.ext.biop.BIOPExtension.DisplayCommands
addMetadataToProject(Project<BufferedImage>, File) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results
Conveniently add a bunch of metadata to each entry in the project
ApplyDisplaySettingsCommand - Class in qupath.ext.biop.commands
ApplyDisplaySettingsCommand(QuPathGUI) - Constructor for class qupath.ext.biop.commands.ApplyDisplaySettingsCommand


BIOPExtension - Class in qupath.ext.biop
BIOPExtension() - Constructor for class qupath.ext.biop.BIOPExtension
BIOPExtension.DisplayCommands - Class in qupath.ext.biop
Installs the "Apply Display Settings" command


Channels - Class in qupath.ext.biop.utils
Channels class to handle loading and saving channel settings It can modify channels based on either a simple text file or a string of the type position, name, color, minDisplay, maxDisplay eg.
Channels() - Constructor for class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Channels


expand(PathObject, double, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.PathUtils
expand, taken from DilateAnnotationPlugin which returns an PathObject expanded or dilated by the given amount in pixels


getAllMeasurements() - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results
Returns all the measurements available in QuPath for the all pathObjects Then we can use things like getStringValue() and getDoubleValue()
getAllMeasurements(List<PathObject>) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results
Creates an ObservableMeasurementTableData for the requested PathObjects
getAreaMicrons(PathObject) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.PathUtils
returns the area of the current PathObject in calibrated units.
getCurrentChannelSettings() - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Channels
Return the current channel names, colors and minMax displays to a list NOTE: Channels that are not currently selected will not be sent
getDescription() - Method in class qupath.ext.biop.BIOPExtension
getFullImageAnnotation() - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.PathUtils
returns a rectangle with the whole dataset as an annotation.
getName() - Method in class qupath.ext.biop.BIOPExtension
getQuPathVersion() - Method in class qupath.ext.biop.BIOPExtension
getRepository() - Method in class qupath.ext.biop.BIOPExtension


installExtension(QuPathGUI) - Method in class qupath.ext.biop.BIOPExtension


makePieChart(String, Map<PathClass, Double>, PathObject) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.PathUtils
Creates a series of detections as pie chart elements that are added to the provided parent object
merge(List<PathObject>) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.PathUtils
Merge all PathObjects into a single PathObject


PathUtils - Class in qupath.ext.biop.utils
PathUtils() - Constructor for class qupath.ext.biop.utils.PathUtils


qupath.ext.biop - package qupath.ext.biop
qupath.ext.biop.commands - package qupath.ext.biop.commands
qupath.ext.biop.utils - package qupath.ext.biop.utils


readChannelSettings(File) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Channels
Read the settings from a simple text file, generally made using Channels.writeChannelSettings(List, File) but could also be made manually
readChannelSettings(String) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Channels
Read the parameters of a simple string with each line formatted as: position, name, color, minDisplay, maxDisplay eg.
Results - Class in qupath.ext.biop.utils
Convenience class to export results only for the selected objects.
Results() - Constructor for class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results
run() - Method in class qupath.ext.biop.commands.ApplyDisplaySettingsCommand


sendResultsToFile(ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<PathObject>) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results
sendResultsToFile(ArrayList<String>, ArrayList<PathObject>, File) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results
By making use of ObservableMeasurementTableData, we can query each result and get a string back Works, for area, PathClasses, parents, and of course any other measurement in the final table
sendResultsToFile(ArrayList<PathObject>) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results
setChannelSettings(File) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Channels
Set the channels directly from a text file
setChannelSettings(List<Channels.Channel>) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Channels
This method actually sets the channel displays based on the channels list.


um - Static variable in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Results


writeChannelSettings(List<Channels.Channel>, File) - Static method in class qupath.ext.biop.utils.Channels
Write the provided Channels to a file
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