

The documentation of the BIOP-desktop

View the Project on GitHub BIOP/biop-desktop-doc

Demo Installation Build Run FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

How to update the BIOP-desktop ?

End-user can’t update the BIOP-desktop, you need to pull the new updated image and run it.

How to update a software ?

You can’t update a software, you need to build a new image with the updated software.

How to add a software ?

You need to build a new image with the new software, please cf Build, open an issue or a pull request.

How to exchange data to BIOP-desktop?

Multiple options are available depending of the data size and of your hardware (local computer or remote).


BIOP-desktop is ideally suited if your data are hosted on an OMERO server


When running the BIOP-desktop (locally or remotely), you can drag and drop file from your computer to the Jupyter Lab interface. The file will be accessible from the Desktop, in your “home” folder.

NOTE : You can NOT drag and drop folder, but you can :

  • zip the folder
  • drag & drop the zip!
  • unzip from the BIOP-desktop

In the Jupyter Lab interface, you can get into a folder, right-click to save the folder as a zip.

Mount folder (locally)

When running the BIOP-desktop locally, you can mount a folder from your computer to the BIOP-desktop when you START the BIOP-desktop.

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --gpus device=0 --mount src=where/on/your/computer,target=where/in/the/docker,type=bind biop-desktop:0.1.0

for example to share the folder D:/docker-share/ with the BIOP-desktop, you can run :

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 --gpus device=0 --mount src=D:/docker-share/,target=home/biop/local/,type=bind biop-desktop:0.1.0

Mount folder (remotely)

When running the BIOP-desktop remotely, you can mount an S3 storage to the BIOP-desktop when you START the BIOP-desktop. Please get in touch with your IT.

How to skip jupyter lab interface and arrive directly on the BIOP-desktop ?

Open a browser and go to!